torsdag 30 september 2010


Jag sällar mig till MAD MEN's hyllningskör.

Och börjar med det försiktigt värma upp för att återkomma till bloggandet.

fredag 10 september 2010

Kubrick knows

Fantastiskt citat från Stanley Kubrick:

"I think that for a movie or a play to say anything really truthful about life, it has to do so very obliquely, so as to avoid all pat conclusions and neatly tied-up ideas. The point of view it is conveying has to be completely entwined with a sense of life as it is, and has to be got across through a subtle injection into the audience's consciousness. Ideas which are valid and truthful are so multi-faceted that they don't yield themselves to frontal assault. The ideas have to be discovered by the audience, and their thrill in making the discovery makes those ideas all the more powerful. You use the audience's thrill of surprise and discovery to reinforce your ideas, rather than reinforce them artificially through plot points or phoney drama or phoney stage dynamics put in to power them across."